Cold Cooperation


Cold Cooperation is a Multi-Character Shoot ‘Em up made by students in TGA2D at The Game Assembly


Main Responsibilities 


Screenspace Manager

I implemented our screen space manager it divided the screen into the 3 sections, the playable middle area flanked by both UI panels. The manager mapped 0-1 playable space to the actual screen space, allowing us to continue writing gameplay code per previous projects and then convert it for accurate rendering.



I worked on our sprite animation system that could be used for all animated sprites in the project. I initially implemented a wrote player sprite sheet system where Idle was the centre sprite and player movement moved the player along the sprite sheet in the desired direction, this created 8 direction blending and transitioning animations states, we decided that the art style we went for made this difficult and in the end implemented a simplified version capable of only panning left and right


Controller Support

I implemented our controller support for both the player character and UI navigation



I implemented intro and outro cinematics and implemented the intro text that appears along side these.



I worked on the systems and implementation of the in-game UI. containing scalable solutions for adding more UI elements, Implemented a simple interface for button interaction states allowing us to easily connect triggered effects such as sounds and VFX. I prototyped and implemented our dynamic UI systems including the shutter door loading screens and rolling static.

I implemented our conversation system so that the two pilots could talk to each other at the start of each of our levels, this included hook-ins for audio and adjustable text-entry speed as well as dynamically creating multiple lines when required for longer pieces of text, this calculate the size of a sentence and then took the last word that was too long and moved it to the start of the new line to prevent splitting words in the middle.


VFX Systems

I worked on a simple VFX system that allowed us to play out visual effects without needing to add them as a dependency to characters



I worked on a few back end systems building upon the motor provided by the school to add support to resize the window in run time, to enhance the options in the option menu.



Project Details



Project 3





Production time

8 weeks, (20hr/week)



2D Shoot 'Em Up





Erik Nossborn | Martin Mossberg | Madeleine Flärdh | Alex Möller | Oliwer Allden | Casper Stein |


Level Designers








Fire Escape