Alula is an Obstacle-Runner made in Unity by students at The Game Assembly
Main Responsibilities
Spline Tooling
I implemented the spline editor we used in the game, originally designed to keep the player following a track we eventually used to to move trains around on the second level
I worked on the UI Transition system that we used to move between the different UI scenes, including UI animation such as scrolling text for the credits.
Checkpoint system
I created our checkpoint systems, placing a checkpoint collider prefab the LDs could press on it to generate a list of objects to reset based on components attached to the objects in the scene a ‘resettable’ component mapped the object back to the checkpoint system so that when a plyer died instead of reloading the level we restored a memento taken of the object at the start of a level incl. transforms and velocities. This was designed to ensure that when a player respawned the obstacles would always behave in the same way to prevent a player getting stuck in a losing loop due to unpredictability.
I created our camera system which used a custom editor in which you could map screen points in which the camera should aim to keep the player. the boxes were nested and each zone had different camera settings that made the camera move at differing speeds to ensure that the camera smoothly followed the player through the obstacles without any jarring camera movements.
I Implemented the multiple colliders on the character each of which contained different on collision logic, for example the head collider i.e. a head on collision cause the player to lose instantly, whereas the colliders on the far ends of the wings would cause the player to bounce off of obstacles, the character lost control of the character for 0.5s during which the player character rolled in the air to indicate that the player had lost control.
Project Details
Project 1
Production time
6 weeks, (20hr/week)
Obstacle Runner